Wednesday, March 15, 2006

EQII: Player vs. Player on Nagafen

I've signed up for Everquest II yet again, however this time it is to start a new character up on Nagafen, the new Player vs. Player server.

I've not logged in to my main characters (Mylene and Karnatos on Crushbone) really; I've been mostly playing my Evil Gnome Brigand named Karnatos. Now, I've never really played a scout class before, at least not very far. I've surpassed the level 16 of Auratus, my to-be-assassin on Crushbone, and am now level 18 as of this posting.

So far I've enjoyed my time on the Nagafen server, and I am really enjoying my choice of Brigand. I've not personally raked up many PvP kills, however... I've only been killed by players a handful of times so far. I supposed I really need to put my neck out there more in order to get my PvP counts up.

I've joined a guild named Aggroculture that's been started by the gang on the Aggro Me Forums. The guild is an Evil guild based in Freeport, and we’re just getting things going really.

We’ve also got a rival guild with the gang over at
EQ2 Daily
, the Goodies reside in Qeynos (wherelse?) and their guild’s name is Brownie Troop 187 – yes, that’s right, a Brownie Troop. Their name alone lets you know these guys are out to just have some good fun… and so far the mostly verbal rivalry has been overly humorous.

I’ve noticed some interesting things, and others are noticing too.

Scout classes seem to be over abundant on Nagafen, likely because they can both do tracking and go somewhat invisible. As a result it is difficult for us scouts to find good gear to wear. Apparently other classes are having similar problems, however when I check the broker and just do a quick check for wizzie or healer gear, there’s a good deal more to choose from than for us scouts.

However this is good news to crafters! If you are wise to this trend, and the trend continues, you could stand to make a great deal of coin from making gear for scouts. Figure out what the good armour-types are for them, figure out which poisons they like, and figure out what types of weapons they tend to use… and you could become rich beyond your wildest dr… OK, maybe that’s exaggerating a little/lot, but I do think coin is to be made for crafters that cater to those archetypes.

I’ll chime in with an update to me Goodie experiences soon (sooner than next month I hope), for now… I’m off to get some writs done, Aggroculture is not even level 5 yet!



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