Friday, September 23, 2005

That vixen 'lil elf

That vixen 'lil elf,
she's so damn pretty.
Emotes really well,
always quite witty.

She asked for some coin
to buy a new robe.
"My old one is red,
no longer in vogue."

I bought her more things,
she treated me nice.
She still wanted more,
"Yeah, the best will suffice!"

Then we got married... game, not real life!
I was so damned proud,
now she was my wife.

I wanted to meet her,
told her I'd fly there.
I'd pay my own way,
"The cost? I don't care."

She called me that night,
"I thought you should know...",
she had news for me,
"... my real name is Bo."

I had dropped the phone.
I could not beleive!
that she... he tricked me!
I was really peeved!

I'd bought her good loot!
Even sent flowers!
Gathering resources...
I must have spent hours!

The split up was quick.
"It's over! It's done!"
She had all my gold,
She'd left me with none.

I wanted to cry,
but that's when I met
a cute lil halfling,
her name was Sylvette.

I've sent you this note,
I thought you should know...
"We're getting Married!"
A wedding we'll throw.

If you should buy gifts
for me and my dame,
then I should warn you
it best not be lame.

She already said
"If I do not like
things that they buy me,
they can take a hike!"

It's different this time,
I really dig her.
We meet next month, "Man...
this gal's a keeper."

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 22, 2005


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