Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Peaceful Country - Chapter 1

It looks like we've practically closed Chapter 1 of A Peaceful Country; so far we have four player characters, and Supernoob's handling 2 NPCs. So, a quick rundown of PCs:

  1. Oseon Cristi - played by Gnume Awldewe.

  2. Jay - played by Anskiere.

  3. Estil Verraine - played by Aggro Me.

  4. August Wyttel - the character I am playing

  5. Lieutenant Marcus - NPC played by Supernoob

  6. Hierophant Sylyanna - NPC played by Supernoob

If you've not started reading yet, here's what we've got for you to read:

If you are all caught up and are waiting more, come on over and watch Chapter 2 take off.

Enjoy the story!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Auratus - Alt. Toon in EQII

Auratus is my Froglok Predator character in Everquest II. As of this post update, he is a level 15 predator working on the Betrayal of Qeynos quest. I intend to make him an assassin... despite his failed attempts to murder the Queen of Qeynos.

Currently he is a member of Myth Inc., a guild on the Crushbone server.

He is named after a type of frog; Auratus Panama. I chose settings in the character generator to make him resemble the actual frog.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Everquest II Poetry

Here's a collection of the Everquest II poetry that I wrote over on Aggro Me's Forums. There are other fantastic poems found there as well, so if you like mine there are more than are as good and better on the forums.


I am Gordon Freeman

Well... I'm not Gordon Freeman, but I bet he wishes I was!

This weekend I hit the game a second time. I have no real idea how far into the game I am because I've managed to completely avoid any news about the game, avoided stategy guides, etc... so I don't know how far into the game I am. I do know this however, I have seen several 'maps' now.

The game is simply fantastic. In that, I mean the game itself is fantastic (more on what I mean by this in a sec) - I am having a hell of a lot of fun playing the game. From the crazy run as the beginning as you run away from the Combine without a weapon to jumping around frenetically in the train yard and underground railway, to zooming around the canals of City 17 in my hoverboat hingamajigger. It all makes for a fantastic game.

However, I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed by some things - and they have nothing to do with the game play at all, it's just stuff that bugs me...the technology-freak side of me always wants more I guess.

So, the biggest disappointment? The physics. Don't get me wrong, they are amazing, but... and it's a big but to me... they still don't feel quite right. They way they are implemented works fantastically for the game itself, but there are aspects of it that bug me at times.

So, examples. Sure, the intro/tutorial section of the game provided me with a cool playground with teeter-totters, swings, a marry-go-round, and enough crates too place on them and watch the fun. And, yes, objects had weight, and the one object's weight affected the others. All like you'd expect. But it still did not quite feel right. Better than anything I've played before, but still not quite right.

However, other than saying they just don't feel right I just don't know how to describe it properly... you'd have to have played the game to get it. Like I said, it's not like the physics are bad... I guess I personally was just expecting more due to the prior-to-release-hype behind the game's physics engine. It's good... just not as realistic as I'd hoped.

The second issue I have is in-game world consistency.

For instance. I was walking along a wooden plank atop scaffolding. Also at the top of the scaffolding was a wooden crate that was in my way. So I crowbarred the crate and it broke as expected. After that obstacle was beaten, I quickly saved because I was going to attempt something crazy - try and destroy the planks on the scaffold itself. But I could not! Why could I destroy a wooden crate, yet wooden planks would even so much as spliter? Well - because the game required them to stay in-tact.

I understand that the game is somewhat linear, and the scaffold could not be destroyed because I could no continue on through the game as intended. Destroying that scaffold would have been bad for me, so they made the wood a sold object that could not be destroyed. It's not a huge deal really, but it does remove the immersion into the game. Something like that happens in-game and the illusion of reality and immersion of ruined.

Anyways; I'm starting to rant about something I am truely enjoying... it is a fantastic game, and if you've not played it you owe it to yourself to give the game a try... especially you were like me, bought the game on release day but have these last nine months and have still not installed it. It's fantastic, I just can't wait to get off this water buggy of mine.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Wizards Need Coffee

I can't think in the morning,
but I need coffee, not rest.
Without it we'd be sorry,
I'd just Fizzle, at best.

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 13, 2005

What's With Those Weird Scarecrows

What's with those weird scarecrows,
they're all over the place!
And then once you've killed them,
they throw-up their face!

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 12, 2005

^^^ 8xEpic

I hate Brian Nichols!
His voice makes me sick!
I'd love to kill him,
even at ^^^ 8xEpic

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 09, 2005


Began with a bed
then crafted them all.
His room soon was full
of junk, wall-to-wall.

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 09, 2005

Healers Aren't Whiners

"We healers aren't whiners!",
she said hands on hip.
Next fight she cast nothing,
her group split in a snit.

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 09, 2005

Never Been Fed

I'm level 50
and never been fed.
If I'd known about eating
I wouldn't be dead!

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 09, 2005

Solo play's a pain?

Fury's your main,
Mystic's your alt?
Solo play's a pain?
That's your own fault!

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 09, 2005

Your carpet is nice

Your carpet is nice
Its nicer than mine
Yours goes faster
Time to bitch and whine!

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 09, 2005

That mob cons Red

That mob cons Red
This one cons Blue
To get next Ding faster
Which mob should I do?

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 08, 2005

That vixen 'lil elf

That vixen 'lil elf,
she's so damn pretty.
Emotes really well,
always quite witty.

She asked for some coin
to buy a new robe.
"My old one is red,
no longer in vogue."

I bought her more things,
she treated me nice.
She still wanted more,
"Yeah, the best will suffice!"

Then we got married... game, not real life!
I was so damned proud,
now she was my wife.

I wanted to meet her,
told her I'd fly there.
I'd pay my own way,
"The cost? I don't care."

She called me that night,
"I thought you should know...",
she had news for me,
"... my real name is Bo."

I had dropped the phone.
I could not beleive!
that she... he tricked me!
I was really peeved!

I'd bought her good loot!
Even sent flowers!
Gathering resources...
I must have spent hours!

The split up was quick.
"It's over! It's done!"
She had all my gold,
She'd left me with none.

I wanted to cry,
but that's when I met
a cute lil halfling,
her name was Sylvette.

I've sent you this note,
I thought you should know...
"We're getting Married!"
A wedding we'll throw.

If you should buy gifts
for me and my dame,
then I should warn you
it best not be lame.

She already said
"If I do not like
things that they buy me,
they can take a hike!"

It's different this time,
I really dig her.
We meet next month, "Man...
this gal's a keeper."

originally posted at Aggro Me Forums, Sep 22, 2005

Time Spent on Aggro Me's Forums

Lately I've been really busy, not leaving me much room for gaming time at night.

For instance; I've not played Auratus since last weekend. I only gained 11% with Mylene, now holding at level 34, 61% of the way to 35 (I was at 50% on Monday).

So, what have I been doing with the sporadic free time I've had? I've been spending time on Aggro Me's Forums.

I post there quite a bit (currently 3rd highest poster after Aggro Me himself and Anskiere... the forums-posting maniac ... heheheh). What are we posting about there? It all depends really. There's a ton of topics that are covered, and not all of them are directly Everquest II related. The boards are definitely EQII-oriented content, but there's a lot more going on there than one might expect.

Lately we've had some poetry stuffs going on, and it is related to EQII... but some of it is really good. I'll be posting some samples of my own entries here every now and then.

I also am partaking in the freeform role playing session that's taking place in the forums. It's called A Peaceful Country. I mentioned A Peaceful Country in this post of my own here. We're currently in Chapter 1, and we are wrapping up the initial introduction to characters and learning what's afoot. I am playing a young man named August Whyttel, a man who puts his pocket knife to good use carving wood and selling his wares as he travels from town to town; there's more to him than just that, but you'll have to tune into the story as it unfolds to learn more about him and the adventures he's about to have.

We've got a couple crazy game's that are currently being played in the forums there too:

  • We have A Story Game telling a story about a group that are off for adventure, and it's been a lot of fun. I can't wait to see how the story pans out.

  • A word-game that we loving call a Stupid Waste of Time.

  • A new riddles game called Riddles, Riddles and more Riddles

  • Another new game where we post screenshots of us in EQII and people have to guess where we are, and if they can they try to recreate the same screenshot with their own character. We call that game Where Am I?.

Feel free to drop on by and check out the crazy stuff we post about in the Aggro Me Forums... it is a good time, even if you don't play Eeverquest II.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Respec for Mylene

I managed to get some game time in this weekend as Mylene. I managed to get 50% of level 34 with her Saturday night, before I moved on to playing Half-Life 2. Her respec was not as difficult as I had imagined, and so far I am happy with the result of it.
I did find that the combat changed forced me to play a little differently. I found that over all fights lasted a little longer, but also noticed that some of my new spells are really great. Overall I feel that I will be happy with the end results, but I didn't get enough time in to form an official opinion. I only had time to slay orcs at the entrance to Zek, and I was capable of handling groups of 2 and 3 orcs at a time, with only having to run once from a fight.
And, even though it’s a small thing, I now have a teleport spell (portal) much like the evac that scouts get, except that it’s only for me. Yay! I can finally really get my ass out of trouble in a hurry. If I did have this before, then I am the dumbest Wizard in quite some time.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Half-Life 2

Well well; I finally played some Half-Life 2 last night. I bought the game the same month as EQII came out, but only got around to installing it around mid January. I played a very little bit when I installed it, but it was not much really.

I booted it up last night, and it was on Jan 18th when I played aparently. Well last night, since my little boy was sleeping but soon due to wake for a bottle, I fired it up No use getting into a quest of something with Mylene or Auratus... just time for something I can save any any point so I could feed the baby and then go to bed once he woke up.

Well, I played Half-Life 2 for 2 hours. It was a blast. My precision skills in FPS games was on, and I could tag things at very long distances. It was great fun. Looks like I have a diversion for those night that I can't string more than a few minutes together to play a game. Much much fun was had.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Roses are Red

I noticed today that over on Aggro Me some silly poems I wrote about EQII were posted for the usual Friday's Humor. The post can be found here, and the forums thread that the poetry was pulled from can be found here.
This is not serious poetry, let me tell you. If stuff I typed in off the top of my head; but if you play EQII you might enjoy some of the entries.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Betrayal of Qeynos

I mentioned briefly that I am playing as Auratus, a Froglok that is striving to become an assassin in Everquest II. Well, I did the first part of the quest this week, and I took a screenshot of Queen Antonia and her cronies just before they knocked me over the head and tossed me out with the gnolls in Antonica.
I was speaking to my guildmate Sela last night and mentioned I would upload the screenshot I took for all to see... so here it is.

Now Auratus finds himself as homeless, wandering around the Commonlands killing orcs and whatever else the Overlord of Freeport desires in order to prove himself, praying the Overlord will grant him safety within the walls of Freeport.

Its kinda funny, I was thrown out of Qeynos for trying to kill the Queen (sounds reasonable I guess), but I can't move in to Freeport because I failed my missing to kill the Queen in the first place - which is why I need to prove my worthiness for the Overlord.

Anyways, good fun!

A Peaceful Country

I've dug a new trench in my world of geekdom this month; I've signed up for a diceless freeform online-RPG that is being run on a Forum. The game is being called "A Peaceful Country", and I am playing a character named August Whyttel.
The game just started yesterday, and I'm not 100% how things will work out in the end, but the people in the forums are quite funny and are also RPG-folk, so it ought to be half decent. As of now it appears the guy running the campaign, Supernoob, is a decent enough writer with a good imagination... he should be fun to play off of.
If you are interested in the story that gets told, feel free to read the History and the Prologue to the chapter we're currently playing. Then feel free to read the actual chapter as it unfolds.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ding Auratus!

I logged in as Auratus for a bit this evening. I needed to kill around 460 orcs for my betrayal quest. I ended up grrouping with a gent named Forktunge for a bit killing orc pawns. We killed a lot.

So far I am liking the new combat system using Auratus, currently a Predator. It did not take much getting used t, but then again he's only level 15.

Speaking of which, he ding-ding-dinged 15. Heck, he's near 50% of the way to 16. Thank you SOE for the experience-boost!

I might log in as Mylene later tonight.

EQII Patch: Combat Changes et al

So last night I logged into Everquest II to get the big super update. This is a whopper of an update; it includes all updates to handle the new Desert of Flames expansion for the game, it includes the newest combat changes, and I am sure I'm forgetting a ton of other parts of the game that were changed, updated, etc. but it was a whopper update.

Anyways, all looks well really - although I did not have time to play my Wizard, Mylene, last night. I did log in as Auratus, my Froglok Assassin-to-be. First thing I had to do was respec the guy, which was rather easy for a level 14 character. I noticed that mobs were conning differently, for intance - the orc pawns grouped with a shaman were triple-downs while the shaman himself was double-down. They used to be all single-downs if I am not mistaken. Anyways, despite the con change they don't seem to be any easier... so I'll have to re-learn what I can handle.

It'll be interesting to see how Mylene and Karnatos handle after my respec and skills and taken into account... people that played the Beta are saying that you need to relearn how to play your character. Ought to be interesting, and hopefully a lot of fun.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Welcome to I am Karnatos

Welcome to I am Karnatos. What is this site? It is my personal blog about me, and more precisely about the other side of me; Karnatos.

Here I will be posting little tidbits about my alternate-self, be it just my findings online, my in-game personas, or whatever... when you read about it, it's really about me.